Category Archives: Summer

New Beginnings

Summer 2016 is coming to a close with only one week until students are hitting the books for another academic year. I was supposed to go see Selena Gomez and DNCE to finish off my summer with a bang, but unfortunately it’s been cancelled due to some health problems with Selena. However I won’t let my last weekend of the summer be wasted away. Now that the concert is cancelled I’m going to Halifax to spend all my money at Lush and Sephora.

Though most will soon be mourning a summer that passed quick, I will be doing the opposite and celebrating the beginning of the school year. I’ve bought my sticky notes and notebooks, and I’ve even already began taking some notes for French 120 because I really can’t wait to get back at it. I’m excited to learn new things, take easy classes (never having to take a math class EVER again), and to get back into my routine again. Early mornings, studying late at Starbucks and fueling my peach green tea lemonade addiction with my one and only best friend; I really cant wait.

Though I’m excited, there are nerves too. It feels as if just yesterday I started my high school career, walking into the auditorium and getting my maroon and white HVHS tee shirt and meeting my homeroom teacher. A week from today I’ll have my last first day of public school ever. There are tons of firsts I’ll experience this year. I’ll have to chose my grad quote, apply to universities and more importantly, choose which one I’ll attend, apply for bursaries and scholarships, attend prom and graduation,  and most exciting of all, I’m travelling to Italy the first week of March. It’s a big year quite obviously.

I’ve noticed a hint of fall in the air with crisp mornings and a cool breeze in my window at night. Pumpkin spice lattes will be back at Starbucks September 8th and the white girl in me has my membership card, Ugg boots, and maroon fall colours ready (HVHS represent!). With the change of season I’m ready to take on the school year with new experiences and challenges.

Am I ready? No.

Is it happening? Yes.

Can I do it? We’ll see.