Looking Ahead

tumblr_of2d52xuyo1r9fzymo1_1280Today I was blessed with the opportunity to attend the open house at Mount Allison University. Not only was it a day off school to make what was supposed to be a four-day week a three-day week, it was an educational day that put me at ease while thinking about university– a topic which would normally bring me anxiety.

The day began with coffee and acoustic music on the Convocation Hall, along with warm, welcoming remarks from the people who organized the event. We went off into groups for a campus tour and even though I was alone and didn’t know anybody, I felt a sense of belonging and acceptance. The residences where I will soon be living were wonderful. I could picture myself living there and making friends the common areas such as the lounge and kitchen. The classrooms and academic facilities were exceptional, and I could see future me sitting in the lecture halls taking notes and learning new things. Not only was the interiors of the buildings beautiful, but so was the campus outside the classroom doors. There were green fields and a picturesque pond, as well as many nooks and crannies with beautiful shrubbery and flowers.

At the academics fair I had the chance to speak with many professors and upper year students with experience at MTA. They were all welcoming and informative. I learned about the different programs and degrees and what they all entail. All my questions were answered and I left feeling prepared to start classes at MTA.

Talking to the students was definitely the most reassuring part of the day, seeing as they were once in my position. I heard stories of students who were homesick but were able to reach out for help. There are lots of things to do to keep students busy so they don’t really have time to feel homesick. I heard stories about people who came to the university without knowing a soul, but after just a few hours made friends who are still with them today in their fourth year. Hearing these stories validate my worries and remind me that it’s all going to be okay when I do leave home.

The spirit, friendliness and comfort I experienced at Mount Allison University have me incredibly excited to (hopefully) receive an acceptance letter in the mail soon so I can confirm my attendance in September of 2017. Though it’s only fall of my senior year in high school as a Viking, I cannot wait for fall of my freshman year of UNI as a Mountie.

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